mobile macro photography ideas at home

Mobile Macro Photography Ideas At Home

In my previous blog i have explain about close-up photography. In which i have said that Most of the cameras have a setting called “Macro” that lets you focus in on something small or look at a small area in great detail. This is a good feature, but it falls more under close-up photography than it does true macro photography. Because for perfect macro photography you need the macro photography lens. So today I am going to explain you about the macro photography.

What is a macro photography?

Macro photography of ant, macro photography editing, macro photography of insects, macro photography, photography

In simple words a macro photography is the extremely close-up photography, normally a very small subject like insects, flower segment, etc. in which the size of the subject in the photograph is same or greater than real life.

Macro photography is also known as the photography in which the size of the subject in the image sensor is life size or greater. In some cases the finished photograph of the subject is greater than the real life size of the subject. 

Equipment needed for macro photography

Peacock, peacock feather photograph, macro photography of peacock feather, photography, Marco photography

For the macro photography you must require some basic equipment are needed for perfect macro photography. Three basic equipment are mantion below:-

1. Right Camera

The most important thing for macro photography is the lens but if you have a camera with good quality macro photography sensor then it will help you in taking the highly detailed macro photos.
Cameras with interchangeable lenses are the favorite for macro photographer's. If you already have a camera, there are likely many macro options.
So if you are going to buy a new camera for macro photography the you must have to check the camera have a good sensor for macro photography.

2. Best Lens

Which lens is best for macro photography? Well there is no one ideal lens since there are different types of macro images. It's depend upon you that which type of macro image you want to take.

The focal length of your lens is depend upon you that many short image you want to take. Normally macro lenses fall between 70 and 200 mm. The best range is the 100 to 135 mm range, which gives a balance between getting close enough and having a nice field of view. 

When you are clicking pictures with the macro photography lens you have to do manual focus for good pictures.


In the macro photography tripod is required for clicking the perfect macro picture because while clicking the pictures you will going to face problem of handshake. To avoid this you require the tripod.

There are many more things you may need in macro photography but i cover only three basic equipment.

Macro photography tips

Macro photography of leaf, leaf photography,macro photography, macro lens,

1. The Macro Camera Setting

There are built-in macro photography settings in many camera and smartphone. Well this can’t change the actual lens element, it only change digital settings for good macro image. It’s not perfect macro image but if you are beginner then it will going to surprise you with the result.

If you want to take the best macro image then the best way is have a camera with interchangeable lens and having a good macro sensor.

2.Shutter Speed

When you are clicking the macro photograph then your shutter speed may slower then normal in this situation you have to take care about several things. The first is the risk of the handshake. Hand holding the camera for macro photos there is a chance handshake. In some situations, with bright lighting and a still subject, you might get lucky. But in many situations you have to use a tripod to support the camera.

But the slow shutter speed means you need to pay attention to other sources of motion as well. For example if you are taking the pictures of plants and flowers then you have to take care of wind and other sources which can move your subject.

If you are taking pictures of small insects then it is very difficult to take picture because they have there own mind so you face problem of focus on them sometime they move when you click. For clicking the pictures you have keep a lot of patience and wait for the chance to click the perfect image.

3. Light

It is very easy to lighting  in macro photography because you are lighting the very small area and in many you don't need to lighting because the natural light is enough. The one thing you have to take care is don't camera flash for lighting.

4. Manual focus

While taking the macro photograph you need to setup many things like light, lens, camera and many more. You also have to do manual focus and change settings as per situations.

If you are beginner in photography then follow me for photography learning and tips for photography. Visit my blog for more information. If you want then you can follow me on Instagram just click on the link.

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